The EduMais & Games for Health Game Design Summer Course is on the run! It is amazing to see how super fast the tachers and students learn and start making art, designing games, learn how to program and to promote and share their work. They have come-up also with a beautiful name and self designed logo.

They beautifuly described also what the logo is about: the two green hills on where they live and where the Favela PPG rises above the city of Rio de Janeiro, the houses they live in, the games they create, the Sun (Solar) as name of the School EduMais is part of, the name PPG refering to the name of the Favela Pavão-Pavãozinho-Cantagalo, to the games and the plus (+) refering to the program: developing educational games not just entertaining games.
An impression of the Favela PPG

The PR team created a Instagram page where all developments of the games and course can be found @ppgames_plus

What is the program about and what is the story. What better to ask the people involved.
The first to tell us what the PPGames_plus Summer Course is about is Marcello de Vasconcellos;