Tuesday Jan 3rd was the start of the second new EduMais and Games for Health Summer School.
We did it again. And this year even with more support and less COVID. It is amazing to recognize the energy people bring to make this year even a bigger success than it already was in 2022. And nice to have you live with us Ellis.
So what are we going to do? What is the Summer School about?
Well: its about Teaching Teachers Teaching Educational Game Design by teaching students.
Basically we will coach teachers to become skilled educational game design teachers in 4 weeks together with students from Favela PPG that voluntarily signed-up for the summer school. We will focus on 4 subjects:
1. Game Design
2. Art and
3. programming
4. Public relations
Every week a group of teachers focus on one of the four topics. And in the last week the new-born Game Design Teachers together with their students will Game Jam an entire week making as many as beautiful as learningful as joyful and awesome educational games as possible.
This blog summarizes the process and outcome of this summer school and tells the story of this growing initiative founded and supported by Edumais and Games for Health and with the support of many organizations like Instituto Oswaldo Cruz and Scola Solar and individuals.
All people involved will pass by the coming weeks. So please sign-up for this daily Blog during this month (January) and please pass it on!
This is amazing Jurriaan! Congrats! To more people like you making the difference in the life of the most vulnerable.
Thank you Rafael!