Colorful homes paint the hills of Rio de Janeiro. Even though this picturesque view of the hills often covers the harsh reality of daily live.
This first post of the Games for Health EduMais Blog marks the start of a journey creating an educational games course for teachers and youngsters in the Favela of Rio de Janeiro. In one month the Games for Health team together with EduMais and a lot of volunteers will develop this course. This blog captures the making of that course.
The course is the program for the Summer Camp that is successfully being held since 2017 in Favela Pavão-Pavãozinho & Cantagalo, (PPG). Games for Health and team members voluntarily contribute to this summer camp with no financial compensation for their time or expertise.

Yesterday the first team members of Games for Health have arrived in Rio de Janeiro. This morning Sandra and Jurriaan woke up with a splendid view on the Mountain hill that lead to one of the many places where on top of it people build their homes that form Favela’s.